WAG members rallied for the Green New Deal with One Queens Indivisible and the Sunrise Movement outside of Chuck Schumer's office.
WAG members got together to create and sew these one-of-a-kind, handmade dolls to be distributed through the 'You are Loved Dolls Initiative' by RAICES Texas to kids at the border.
2019 Women's March poster making and DC trip!
WAG members donated shoeboxes filled with comfort items to domestic violence survivors living in shelters via @nycshoeboxproject
WAG canvassing crew up in Highland, Clintondale, and Modena NY, talking to voters about @delgadoforcongress @jamesskoufis and Juan Figueroa!
WAG members writing a serious amount of postcards to get out the vote in Georgia for Stacey Abrams and Sarah Riggs Amico
WAG members canvassing in Staten Island for Max Rose!
WAG members teamed up with One Queens Indivisible and Grace Meng to phone bank in support of Antonio Delgado. Working hard to flip some seats blue!
Goods Donations for migrant children + families sponsored by Councilman Mark Levine
Members of WAG-FH taking names - aka petitioning - for Jessica Ramos in Jackson Heights.
Members of WAG-FH proudly supported LGBTQ community alongside Jessica Ramos (Candidate for NY State Senate District 13) at the Queens Pride Parade on June 3rd.
WAG-FH held its first Voter Registration drive, in the very important district of Astoria! WAG-FH teamed up with the Astoria Park Alliance during their Earth Day Shore Fest Spring Kick Off and set up a Voter Registration table. WAG members registered and engaged voters, spread the message of the importance of getting out the vote and reminding them about the date change for the September Primaries (9/13)!
WAG members headed up to Albany to meet with New York lawmakers for Planned Parenthood's Day of Action
WAG members collected signatures for Congresswoman Grace Meng's Re-election Campaign.
WAG members followed the lead of the students in their lives and took part in NYC’s March For Our Lives March 24th. Thousands turned out demanding gun reform and making their voices heard along with all those marching in Washington, DC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Paris, Amsterdam and numerous other cities. Thoughts and prayers are not enough, it’s time for real change!!!
WAG members at the NYC Women's March
WAG created an Amazon Wish List in support of STEPS To End Family Violence. Please visit https://www.egscf.org/programs/steps/ for more information.
Working with UnLocal, WAG members raised money to pay legal fees for a DACA recipient to apply for a Greencard.
A couple of months ago WAG became aware of a lawsuit that Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was bringing against a group of people who had been standing outside and harassing the clients of Choices Womens Medical Center. We sent a letter to thank @agschneiderman, but felt strongly that we also needed to support the staff of Choices for their daily commitment to reproductive healthcare. WAG members visited @choiceswomensmedical this week to deliver those gifts (a Keurig, water cooler, and microwave) for the staff. We were treated to a tour of their fantastic facilities by Administrator Kelly Mallinson and got to meet and chat with the founder and CEO, Merle Hoffman. Merle is a true warrior and has been fighting for women's reproductive healthcare for over 40 years! It was an honor to meet both of these inspiring women and their amazing staff. Looking forward to a long and productive relationship with these women and their extraordinary facility! Thank you Choices
In the summer of 2017, members of WAG collected signatures for Karen Koslowitz's petitions to be an incumbent on the ballot for her New York City Council seat. We helped Councilwoman Koslowitz's office collect over 100 signatures.
WAG members are helping to get out the vote in Virginia by participating in #postcards4va #persist #wagfh #virginiaisforvoters @postcards4va
Members of WAG have come together in a book club in order to explore and understand issues of race and privilege in our communities and our own lives. Our group began with Waking Up White by Debby Irving. We have continued to select texts that we believe can inform and expand our understandings of race and privilege.
WAG volunteers represented our group at the Forest Hills Activism Fair coordinated by Congresswoman Grace Meng.
Over 300 postcards delivered to President 45 telling it like it is. https://www.facebook.com/TheIdesOfTrump/
The Queens Stands Together Rally took place at MacDonald Park right here in Forest Hills and celebrated the incredible diversity of Queens residents. Hundreds gathered to send a message of support to our immigrant communities that we stand with them. WAG co-sponsored this rally with more than over 40 other activist organizations from Queens. Photo Credit: http://edgeofthecityblog.blogspot.com/